Oculus Quest 2 Review

The Oculus Quest 2 is now our preferred device for all our VR training software products. This in depth review will outline why this is the case, and why you should pick up an Oculus Quest 2 above any other device on the market.

Morgan Page
4 min readDec 16, 2020

Standalone is the Way Ahead

At the time of this post the Oculus Quest 2 has been available for just over a month. Its general release was on October 13th 2020, we picked two up on the release date and have been using them on a daily basis ever since.

Being a standalone device, the Oculus Quest 2 is ready to go right out of the box. With VR headsets that we had used in the past like the HTV Vive, this just wasn’t the case. With the HTC Vive, a non-standalone headset, a separate computer was needed to plug the headset into. Additionally, for tracking, 2 separate lighthouses needed to be mounted in the corners of the room you were training in. We then had trackers that needed to be attached to each wrist so that CPR could be hands free.

A non-standalone setup — look at all those cables!



Morgan Page

Indie game developer @PlatoEvolved & co-founder / CTO of VR health training start-up @dualgoodhealth